
Do you want to have your own free online app like Qserve? Request a Quote.

Build For iOS ,Android| Build in React Native

react native app development company


4 Star


It’s a react native app built for both Android and iOS for a company called Sinar Mass. It is an app where the employee of the company can book a cab, book a meeting room for a time slot, request of meeting room supply like tea, coffee, etc, request for supply, request for maintenance cleaning the document dispatch from one place to another. You can attach image and audio recording for further details and there will be agents who will consider the requests and fulfill it.


The Brief

It is an employee-oriented app just to provide a platform where an employee can directly request for the services. App has two user roles, employee and agent. Employee and agent can request different request provided by the application and they can track the status of their request ie: pending until the agent accepts the request, booked after the agent accepts the request and closed after the request is fulfilled. There will be agents handling the request for a different department. Only the agent with the specific department can accept, and close the request of that same department. The employee will be notified for each and every step of the request stages.


Key Features

  • Employee request for a service
  • Can track the status
  • Easy to request and fulfil your requirement
  • Easy manipulation of your request
  • Attach image and audio for further details

Interface Design
