ChicMic Cafe is a cutting-edge solution designed to streamline food service operations with ease. This app provides real-time order tracking, order history and wallet management, thus enhancing customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.
Safety4All is a noble thought that aims to create a safer environment for all by combining public vigilance with expert intervention. Yet, the development phase brought its challenges that pushed the team to dig deeper for the perfect solution. This project uses React Native for frontend mobile development and Hasura for the backend to create GraphQL queries. Initially, we encountered challenges in managing both the frontend and backend. Additionally, for certain tasks that couldn't be accomplished with Hasura, we had to set up our backend using Node.js.
The existing manual order-taking process was prone to errors and delays. Staff members often struggled to keep up with high volumes of orders during peak hours, leading to long wait times and frequent mistakes.
#The lack of a structured system for customer feedback and interaction meant that the canteen missed out on valuable insights into customer preferences and satisfaction levels. Without a mechanism to engage with customers, it was challenging to foster loyalty or address concerns.
#Users lacked a convenient way to manage their funds within the canteen's ecosystem. Without a digital wallet system, customers found it difficult to track their spending, top up their balance, or withdraw funds as needed.
To tackle these challenges head-on, we developed a comprehensive and intuitive solution that transformed the canteen’s operations. Our approach was centered on leveraging technology to create a more efficient, engaging, and user-friendly platform.
We designed an intuitive interface that made it easy for users to navigate the app and place orders quickly. The app’s clean, responsive design ensured that both tech-savvy and less tech-savvy users could effortlessly interact with the platform.
We implemented a robust order management system to enable real-time tracking of orders. Customers could also track their orders in real-time, giving them greater transparency and control over their dining experience.
To offer users even more flexibility, we developed a comprehensive wallet management feature within the app. Users can easily track their wallet balance, view transaction history, and manage their funds directly through the app.
Our developers studied market status and audience response to understand and create a one-of-a-kind solution. Each feature adds to the quality of the app and creates a cohesive environment. This enables users to freely interact with ChicMic Cafe and exploit its capabilities.
The ChicMic Cafe offers a comprehensive transaction history feature, allowing users to effortlessly keep track of all their past purchases.
Our Order Management system is designed to provide users with complete control over their food orders from start to finish. Users can track the status of their orders in real-time, making it easy to know when their meal will be ready.
Users have the flexibility to curate their meal just the way they want. Adding items to your cart is as simple as a tap, and if you change your mind, removing or modifying items is just as easy.
The Order History Management feature allows users to access a detailed record of all their previous orders. Users can quickly reorder from their history, saving time and effort, or browse through past orders to track their dining habits.
Staying informed about your order has never been easier with the Real-Time Updates feature. The Canteen app sends push notifications to keep users informed at every stage of their order—whether it’s being prepared, out for delivery, or ready for pickup.
The team required an out-of-the-box thought methodology when working on QR Master. We employed our world-class services to bring out the best in the app and create a market-leading product to serve the masses.
The team put up a massive effort to create innovative solutions for the app that would further be applied in future app development.
The developers sat down with the QR Master team to understand the project objectives and vision.
The design team got down to work, creating engaging interface designs and layout unlike anything in the market.
As the work began, the developers built various aspects and features; all that within the deadline.
The QA team thoroughly tested every aspect our developers built to ensure it was market ready.
Our team employed state-of-art tools and technologies to create a sophisticated and user-friendly app. Leveraging the power of RX Swift, Visual Studio Code 2, and more, we ensured a seamless user experience, robust functionality, and future-proof scalability. Every line of code and every integration reflects our commitment to excellence and innovation in app development.
With a keen eye for user experience, our designers intricately wove together functionality and aesthetics, to create an immersive delight.
Our Flutter team embarked on a mission to redefine the app landscape. They relied on the latest tech to create a stable cross-platform app.
We dived headfirst into backend development, architecting digital foundations that would shape the app.
The quality assurance team spent dedicated hours to test the app thoroughly and share its view with the developers for a perfect app.
The ChicMic Cafe is transforming the way food services are managed, offering users a streamlined, efficient, and enjoyable dining experience. It stands out in the market by seamlessly integrating advanced features like real-time order tracking, wallet management, and effortless syncing with seller apps. With its user-centric design and innovative solutions, the ChicMic Cafe is setting a new standard in modern food service management.