Goblin Sax stands at the forefront of NFT-based financial services, offering a unique and innovative way for users. They can unlock the value of their digital assets without having to part with them permanently.

Goblin Sax is a cutting-edge financial platform designed to bridge the gap between the decentralized world of NFTs and traditional lending services. At its core, it leverages the unique properties of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) to offer loans. It ties the value of each loan closely to the rarity and market demand of the NFTs provided as collateral.

NFT-Based Loan Valuation

The platform's algorithm assesses the rarity, market value, and historical price data of NFTs to determine the appropriate loan amount.

Configurable Loan Parameters

It includes setting interest rates, defining loan terms, and adjusting loan-to-value (LTV) ratios based on the risk associated with the rarity of the NFTs.

Dynamic Interest Rates

Interest rates are dynamically adjusted according to the perceived risk of the loan influenced by the rarity and volatility of the NFTs.

Admin Control & Customization

Providers can tailor loan packages to different user segments, set thresholds for loan approvals, and automate certain aspects of the loan process to streamline operations.

Challenges That We Faced at the Start

The client tasked us with developing a UI that was not only visually appealing but also capable of handling the nuanced and dynamic nature of NFT-based loans. This required innovative design solutions to ensure the platform was both easy to navigate and effective in communicating the unique loan structure to users.

Designing an Intuitive User Interface

The challenge was to design an interface that would be both visually appealing and easy to navigate, while clearly communicating how loans were determined by the rarity and value of NFTs.


Ensuring Seamless Wallet Integration

Users needed a smooth experience when connecting their wallets, viewing eligible NFTs, and applying for loans. Ensuring compatibility with multiple wallet providers and making the integration process seamless required careful planning and execution.


Visualizing Loan Parameters Dynamically

Another challenge was presenting dynamically changing loan parameters, such as interest rates and loan amounts, in real-time. The UI needed to update instantly as users explored different NFTs or changed their loan preferences.


Balancing Aesthetics with Functionality

The client requested a sleek, modern look for the web app, but it was crucial to not compromise functionality. Balancing aesthetic appeal with a user-friendly design required iterative testing and feedback.


Our Solution

To address the challenges, our team implemented a series of strategic solutions aimed at creating a seamless and user-friendly experience. We focussed on intuitive design, robust integration, and responsive features, to deliver an UI that enhanced user experience.

  • Designing an Intuitive User Interface

    We employed a user-centered design approach, conducting usability testing and gathering feedback at every stage. Interactive elements and tooltips were added to guide users through the process, ensuring they understood the steps involved.

  • Ensuring Seamless Wallet Integration

    Our team integrated widely-used digital wallets through well-documented APIs, ensuring compatibility and a smooth user experience. We implemented a step-by-step guide within the UI to assist users in connecting their wallets and accessing their NFTs.

  • Maintaining a Holistic Learning Experience

    We incorporated adaptive learning algorithms that tailored the content to each student’s progress and learning pace. The platform included features like progress tracking, personalized learning paths, and virtual rewards to encourage continuous engagement.

  • Visualizing Loan Parameters Dynamically

    We developed a dynamic loan calculator that instantly updated loan terms based on selected NFTs. Using real-time data fetching and responsive design principles, the UI could adapt to changes on the fly. This provides users with immediate feedback as they explore different options.

  • Balancing Aesthetics with Functionality

    Our design team prioritized a clean, minimalist aesthetic that aligned with modern web design trends while ensuring complete functionality. Each design iteration was tested to ensure that it met both aesthetic and functional requirements.

Excellent Features That Shape Goblin Sax

Our developers studied market status and audience response to understand and create a one-of-a-kind solution. Each feature adds to the quality of the app and creates a cohesive environment. This enables users to freely interact with Goblin Sax and exploit its capabilities.

  • portfolio-icon
    Loan Calculator

    The Loan Calculator is a pivotal feature in the Goblin Sax platform. It provides users with an instant and accurate assessment of the loan amount they can receive based on their NFTs.

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    Loan Details and Tracking

    The Loan Details and Tracking feature provides users with comprehensive oversight of their loan status from initiation to repayment. The platform allows users to track their repayment progress in real time.

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    Charts & Graphs

    It is an analytical tool within the Goblin Sax platform that visually represents various data points related to users' loans and NFT portfolios. These visual tools help users better understand their financial position and make data-driven decisions.

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    The NFTs feature is at the heart of the Goblin Sax platform, allowing users to leverage their digital assets as collateral for loans. It includes tools for users to manage their NFT portfolio, track the value of their assets, and monitor market trends.


The Services We Provided

The team required an out-of-the-box thought methodology when working on Goblin Sax. We employed our world-class services to bring out the best in the app and create a market-leading product to serve the masses.

ui-ux services
Web App Development
QA services
Quality Assurance
Deploy services
Project services
Project Management
Miantain services

Project Milestones We Achieved

The team put up a massive effort to create innovative solutions for the app that would further be applied in future app development.

Requirement Gathering

The developers sat down with the Goblin Sax team to understand the project objectives and vision.


5-7 days

Team Members

Business Analyst and QA

App Development

As the work began, the developers built various aspects and features; all that within the deadline.


30-35 days

Team Members

Expert Developers,Designers

App Testing

The QA team thoroughly tested every aspect our developers built to ensure it was market ready.


10-15 days

Team Members

QA,Developers,BA,Project Manager

The Result

Goblin Sax is redefining the financial sector and opening the window for blockchain-based banking solutions. Based solely on the NFT and traditional lending services, Goblin Sax maneuvers both worlds with ease. It provides a significant value to tangible tokens to offer loans to individuals and businesses alike. Goblin Sax is paving the way to better, more decentralized financial solutions in the future.

Result Banner

Tech Stack

Our team employed state-of-art tools and technologies to create a sophisticated and user-friendly app. Leveraging the power of ReactJS, HTML, and more, we ensured a seamless user experience, robust functionality, and future-proof scalability. Every line of code and every integration reflects our commitment to excellence and innovation in app development.


We immersed ourselves in frontend development, crafting engaging and intuitive interfaces that define the user experience.

  • ReactJS


We dived headfirst into backend development, architecting digital foundations that would shape the platform.


Quality Assurance

The quality assurance team spent dedicated hours to test the app thoroughly and share its view with the developers for a perfect app.

  • Selenium
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